If you want to share your race-based stereotypes, know that I am prepared to respond. I know your issue is not my race but your ignorance of history. I know the American education system has given you permission to embrace half-truths of America's history; while disregarding the parts of history that do not benefit you. I know it gives you the power to share your uninformed knowledge because to accept the facts, to learn the truth, somehow hurt you, instead of lifting me. I know this is your choice. But I am prepared to respond. I am an eager eraser of ignorance. If you know the truth, share the truth. If not, I will. It's my gift. Albeit, obnoxious, unbearable, and sometimes annoying. It's my gift. Help your brother when they are weak, I was told. Lift up the misfortunate , they said. Do good and share with others, I've heard. Be generous with your time and treasure, it is written Well, My Friend, I've been blessed...