Russian-Jewish Ancestor Research Resources

Russian Jewish genealogy can be challenging, but the key is to be familiar with readily available resources. Here is just a checklist to get you started.  If you are looking for more information, be sure to visit Unraveling Roots: Where are the Hidden Clues?

Research Sites/ Repositories
Did your Russian - Jewish ancestors immigrate to America? Here are some 5great resources to help you discover their history.  For a case study,

Did they pass by or settle in NY?
Looking for Online Databases
Sometimes we start just with our common, reliable databases.
Looking for naturalization records?
These are proven starting point:
  • may have the naturalization records of parents or older siblings born in Russia. This database is most often free through your library card.
  • USCIS. For naturalization records after Sep 1906; some ship manifests 
Other Resource
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